
Brand & Marketing

My Role
Brand Designer
Creative Direction
Web Designer
Digital Designer
Graphic Designer
2017 - 2022

Your Brand is More Than What You Do

A brand is a visual representation of a company's identity. Branding visually expresses and communicates the authentic story of what you do and who you are. I have helped many companies tell that story.

Brand Marketing is a comprehensive, ever-evolving strategy within a corporation.

Brand Marketing describes a company's approach to marketing, sales, and goods through promoting products and services in a way that draws attention to the whole brand. In my experience, I have assisted both new and existing businesses in embarking on entire brand overhauls that included:

  • Business name, taglines and web domains
  • Logo design
  • Brand standards
  • Style guide

Digital Marketing

The online world changes at a rapid pace and as a leader and designer, it is important to keep up with the trends. Determining which digital products and platforms will work best for a company, its industry and marketing objectives and budget. In my most recent positions as a Creative Director and Marketing Manager, I have established:

  • SEO Best Practices
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing (Sales and Internal)
  • Blogs